During the webcast, viewers will be able to visit some of the most advanced telescopes on and off the planet. For NASA's space-based missions, the webcast will be broadcast from control centers throughout the United States. To view the webcast, visit http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/component/content/article/34/75 .
As part of the webcast, most of the missions will release a never-before-seen image from the telescope or observatory. The new images can be found on the Web sites listed below. Please note these times correspond to the beginning of each mission's segment on the live webcast and when each new image will be available.
The NASA missions participating in the webcast, in chronological order, are (times are Pacific Daylight Time, April 3):
Hubble Space Telescope: 10:20 a.m. http://hubblesite.org/news/2009/14
Swift Gamma-ray Burst Explorer: 10:40 a.m. http://www.nasa.gov/swift
Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope: 11 a.m. http://www.nasa.gov/fermi
SOHO and TRACE: 12:20 p.m. http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/ and http://sunland.gsfc.nasa.gov/smex/trace/
STEREO: 12:40 p.m. http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Galaxy Evolution Explorer: 1:20 p.m. http://www.galex.caltech.edu/ and www.nasa.gov/galex
Chandra X-ray Observatory: 1:40 p.m. http://www.chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2009
Spitzer Space Telescope: 2:20 p.m. http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/spitzer/index.shtml and www.nasa.gov/spitzer
Kepler: 12:05 a.m. (April 4) http://kepler.nasa.gov
For information about the International Year of Astronomy, visit http://astronomy2009.nasa.gov/ .
For more information about NASA and agency programs, visit http://www.nasa.gov .
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology, also in Pasadena. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. Graphics and more information about Spitzer are online at http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/spitzer and http://www.nasa.gov/spitzer .
Caltech leads the Galaxy Evolution Explorer mission and is responsible for science operations and data analysis. JPL manages the mission and built the science instrument. The mission was developed under NASA's Explorers Program managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Researchers sponsored by Yonsei University in South Korea and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) in France collaborated on this mission. Graphics and additional information about the Galaxy Evolution Explorer is online at http://www.galex.caltech.edu and http://www.nasa.gov/galex/ .
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