Wednesday, May 4, 2011

  • ஆற்றில் போட்டாலும் அளந்து போடு
  • Think before you spend your resources.
  • ஆழம் பார்க்காமல் காலை விடாதே
  • Look before you leap.
  • ஆழாக்கு அரிசி, மூழாக்குப் பானை, முதலியார் வருகிற வீறாப்பப் பாரும்
  • Half an ounce of rice, a quarter ounce pot. But look at the false pride of the mudhaliyar.
  • ஐந்தில் வளையாதது ஐம்பதில் வளையாது
  • You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  • அகத்தின் அழகு முகத்தில் தெரியும்
  • Face is the index of the mind.
  • அரை கொத்தரிசி அன்ன தானம் . விடிய விடிய மேல தாளம் .
  • Half a pot of rice is given as charity. But the announcing drumming is done all night.
  • ஆடத் தெரியாதவள் மேடை கோணல் என்றாளாம்
  • A bad workman blames his tools.
  • அடி மேல் அடி வைத்தால் அம்மி்யும் நகரும்
  • Try and try till you succeed.
  • அறுக்க மாட்டாதான் கையில் 58 அரிவாளாம்
  • The man is more important than the tools.
  • ஆக்கப் பொறுத்தவனுக்கு ஆறப் பொறுக்கவில்லை
  • You waited this much, wait just a bit more.
  • ஆறெல்லாம் பாலாய்ப் போனாலும் நாய் நக்கித்தான் குடிக்கும்
  • What one learns is limited by ones capacity to take in (understand).
  • சிறு நுணலும் தன் வாயால் கெடும்
  • Know when to keep quiet.
  • எறும்பு ஊரக் கல்லும் தேயும்
  • Persistence never fails
  • ஏட்டுச் சுரைக்காய் கூட்டுக்கு உதவாது
  • Bookish knowledge is no match for real experience.
  • இன்னா செய்தாரை ஒறுத்தல் அவர் நாண நன்னயம் செய்து விடல் (திருக்குறள்)
  • If others harm you, do good unto them, so that they are shamed into realizing their mistakes.
  • இழவுக்கு வந்தவள் தாலியருப்பாளா?
  • The problems of a person cannot be shifted to others.
  • குடிகாரன் பேச்சு விடிஞ்சா போச்சு
  • A drunkard's words are gone by the next dawn.
  • காக்கைக்கும் தன் குஞ்சு பொன் குஞ்சு
  • Even a crow thinks its child is golden.
  • கடுகு சிறுத்தாலும் காரம் குறையாது
  • Don't measure the worth of a person by their size/shape
  • காற்றுள்ள போதே தூற்றிக்கொள்
  • Make hay while the sun shines.
  • கற்றது கைமண் அளவு, கல்லாதது உலகளவு (ஔவையார்)
  • What is learnt is a handful of sand, while what is unknown is the size of the world.
  • கட்டிக்கொடுத்த சாப்பாடும் சொல்லிக்கொடுத்த வார்த்தையும் பல நாள் தாங்காது
  • Self-reliance lasts longer than depending on others.
  • கூழுக்கும் ஆசை மீசைக்கும் ஆசை
  • You can't drink thick porridge if you want to keep your mustache clean.
  • குப்புர விழுந்தாலும் மீசையில் மண் ஒட்டவில்லை.
  • Saving face after an insult.
  • கான மயிலாட கண்டிருந்த வான்கோழித் தானும் அதுவாகப் பாவித்துத் தன் பொல்லாச் சிறகை விரித்து ஆடுமாம்
  • A turkey, seeing a peacock, imagined itself as one and started dancing opening its horrible feathers (literal)
  • One should know one's position and not try to copy others blindly.
  • மயிரைக் கட்டி மலையை இழு. வந்தால் மலை போனால் மயிர்.
  • There is no harm in trying, especially if it is a low-hanging fruit.
  • மாமி்யார் உடைத்தால் மண் குடம். மருமகள் உடைத்தால் பொன் குடம்
  • If the mother-in-law breaks it, it is a mud pot. If the daughter-in-law breaks it, it is a golden pot.
  • முள்ளை முள்ளால் தான் எடுக்க வேண்டும்
  • Fight fire with fire; Diamond cuts Diamond.
  • மூர்த்தி சின்னதானாலும் கீர்த்தி பெரியது
  • The idol may be small, its fame is big.
  • மி்ன்னுவதெல்லாம் பொன்னல்ல
  • All that glitters is not gold.
  • மலையைக் கெல்லி எலியைப் பிடித்தானாம்
  • (He) wastes a lot of effort to do simple jobs
  • முயற்சி உடையார் இகழ்ச்சி அடையார்
  • There is no downward journey for those who keep trying.
  • நிறை குடம் நீர் தளும்பாது. குரை குடம் கூத்தாடும்
  • Fully filled pot (a knowlegeable person) is silent. Empty vessels (idiots) make the most noise.
  • நிழலின் அருமை வெயிலில் தான் தெரியும்
  • Only when in the sun do you miss the shade.
  • நாய் விற்ற காசு குரைக்காது
  • All money looks the same (no matter what was sold) (also known as the Money-launderer's Manifesto)
  • நாய் வாலை நிமிர்த்த முடியாது
  • It is difficult to change one's nature (similar to 'a leopard can't change its spots').
  • நாய் வேடம் போட்டால் குரைத்துத்தான் ஆகவேண்டும்
  • If you take on a role, be prepared to do whatever the role demands (think before you decide).
நொண்டி குதிரைக்கு சருக்குனது சாக்காம்.
  • For a lame horse, slippery is an excuse
  • A person not willing to do work will complain about anything.
  • பாம்பின் கால் பாம்பறியும்
  • The persons involved in similar activities know each other better than others do.
  • புலி பசித்தாலும் புல்லைத் தின்னாது
  • A person never loses his nature no matter how hard-pressed.
  • பொறுத்தார் பூமி் ஆள்வார்
  • The patient will rule the world.
பெற்ற பிள்ளை இல்லாட்டியும் வச்ச பிள்ளை தண்ணி ஊற்றும்.
  • Even if your children are not helping you, the coconut that you planted will take care of your old age.
  • புடிச்சாலும் புளியம் கொம்பா புடிச்சிட்டார்
  • He has taken a strong position (in the activity he is engaged in).
  • பாலுக்கும் காவல், பூனைக்கும் தோழன்
  • Beware of those that get a commission from both parties.
  • சாதி இரண்டொழிய வேறில்லை, இட்டார் பெரியோர் இடாதார் இழிகுலத்தோர்.
  • There are only two types of people in this world: those that share, and those that don't.
  • சுண்டைக்காய் கால் பணம் சுமைக்கூலி முக்கால் பணம்
  • A quarter for the berry, three quarters for the delivery (literal)
  • தனி மரம் தோப்பு ஆகாது
  • Unity is strength.
  • தண்ணீரைக் கூட சல்லடையில் அள்ளலாம், அது பனிக்கட்டி ஆகும் வரை பொருத்தால்.
  • Even water can be held in a sieve, if you wait till it turns to ice.
  • தீயினால் சுட்ட புண் உள்ளாறும் ஆறாதே நாவினால் சுட்ட வடு (திருக்குறள்)
  • The wounds of fire would vanish with time but the wounds caused by words never (
  • தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர் தர வாரா
  • Good or bad, it doesn't come from others. You are responsible for what you get/face.
ஊரு மெச்சும், உள்வீடு பட்டினி
  • Fame does not automatically fetch one money.
  • வெறும் கை என்பது மூடத்தனம் உன் விரல்கள் பத்தும் மூலதனம்
  • Your effort is what all you have got.
  • வீட்டைக் கட்டிப்பார், கல்யாணத்தைப் பண்ணிப்பார்.
  • If you think daily life is painful, try building a home or organizing a wedding. These activities involve bringing a lot of people together and can never be done in a day, and hence expose a person to the complexities of project and people management.
  • விதியை மதியால் வெல்லலாம்
  • Don't assume that fate is final. With intelligence, even fate can be changed.
வெக்கங்கெட்ட பயல் விருந்துக்குப் போனானாம், கூட ஒரு சொக்கன் குத்தவைக்கப் போனானாம்.
  • Never be in the company of bad person.
வெட்டரிவாளுக்கு விரையலா காய்ச்சலா.
  • A family-less person will not have to face troubles.
  • விளக்கமாற்றுக்குப் பட்டுக்குஞ்சலம்
  • An unfitting ornament or an attempt to show something lowly as commendable by superficial decoration.
  • வித்தரக்கள்ளி(?) விறகு ஒடிக்கப் போனாளாம், கத்தாழை முள்ளு கொத்தோடு குத்தித்தாம்.
  • A person who is not interested in work will blame the nature of work.
  • யானைக்கும் அடி சறுக்கும்
  • Even the mighty slip at times.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SEO Engineer Resume

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Monday, May 25, 2009

NASA Cancels May 20 Media Event for Arrival of Tranquility Node

Expedition 19 Flight Engineer Koichi Wakata looks through a window in the Kibo laboratory of the International Space Station.Because bad weather conditions are forecast at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida and arrival time of the Tranquility node is uncertain, the media event scheduled for Wednesday, May 20, is canceled.

Reporters will have the opportunity to view Tranquility, which is the newest section of the International Space Station, at Kennedy's Space Station Processing Facility in the future.

Tranquility is a pressurized module that will provide room for many of the International Space Station's life support systems. Attached to the node is the cupola, a unique work station with six windows on the sides and one on the top. The module will travel to the station on space shuttle Endeavour's STS-130 mission, targeted for launch in February 2010.

Video highlights of Tranquility's arrival will air on the NASA TV Video File. For NASA TV downlink information, schedules and links to streaming video, visit:

Images of the arrival will be posted as soon as possible on Kennedy's media gallery at:

For more information about Tranquility and the International Space Station, visit:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hubble Celebrates Its 19th Anniversary with a "Fountain of Youth"

To commemorate the Hubble Space Telescope's 19 years of historic, trailblazing science, the orbiting telescope has photographed a peculiar system of galaxies known as Arp 194. This interacting group contains several galaxies, along with a "cosmic fountain" of stars, gas, and dust that stretches over 100,000 light-years.

The northern (upper) component of Arp 194 appears as a haphazard collection of dusty spiral arms, bright blue star-forming regions, and at least two galaxy nuclei that appear to be connected and in the early stages of merging. A third, relatively normal, spiral galaxy appears off to the right. The southern (lower) component of the galaxy group contains a single large spiral galaxy with its own blue star-forming regions.

However, the most striking feature of this galaxy troupe is the impressive blue stream of material extending from the northern component. This "fountain" contains complexes of super star clusters, each one of which may contain dozens of individual young star clusters. The blue color is produced by the hot, massive stars which dominate the light in each cluster. Overall, the "fountain" contains many millions of stars.

These young star clusters probably formed as a result of the interactions between the galaxies in the northern component of Arp 194. The compression of gas involved in galaxy interactions can enhance the star-formation rate and give rise to brilliant bursts of star formation in merging systems.

Hubble's resolution shows clearly that the stream of material lies in front of the southern component of Arp 194, as evidenced by the dust that is silhouetted around the star-cluster complexes. It is therefore not entirely clear whether the southern component actually interacts with the northern pair.

The details of the interactions among the multiple galaxies that make up Arp 194 are complex. The shapes of all the galaxies involved appear to have been distorted, possibly by their gravitational interactions with one another.

Arp 194, located in the constellation Cepheus, resides approximately 600 million light-years away from Earth. It contains some of the many interacting and merging galaxies known in our relatively nearby universe. These observations were taken in January of 2009 with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2. Images taken through blue, green, and red filters were combined to form this picturesque image of galaxy interaction.

Team Continues Analyzing Spirit Computer Reboots and Amnesia Events

Mars Exploration Rover Mission Status Report

After three days of completing Earth-commanded activities without incident last week, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit had a bout of temporary amnesia Friday, April 17, and rebooted its computer Saturday, April 18, behavior similar to events about a week earlier.

Engineers operating Spirit are investigating the reboots and the possibly unrelated amnesia events, in which Spirit unexpectedly fails to record data into the type of memory, called flash, where information is preserved even when power is off. Spirit has had three of these amnesia events in the past 10 days, plus one on Jan. 25. No causal link has been determined between the amnesia events and the reboots.

The most recent reboot put Spirit back into an autonomous operations mode in which the rover keeps itself healthy. Spirit experienced no problems in this autonomous mode on Sunday. The rover team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., revised plans today for regaining Earth control of Spirit's operations and resuming diagnostic and recovery activities by the rover.

"We are proceeding cautiously, but we are encouraged by knowing that Spirit is stable in terms of power and thermal conditions and has been responding to all communication sessions for more than a week now," said JPL's Sheldon Kalnitsky, chief of the rover sequencing team, which develops and checks each day's set of commands.

During the past week of diagnostic activities, the rover has successfully moved its high-gain dish antenna and its camera mast, part of checking whether any mechanical issues with those components may be related to the reboots, the amnesia events, or the failure to wake up for three consecutive communication sessions two weeks ago.

Spirit and its twin rover, Opportunity, completed their original three-month prime missions on Mars in April 2004 and have continued their scientific investigations on opposite sides of the planet through multiple mission extensions. Engineers have found ways to cope with various symptoms of aging on both rovers. The current diagnostic efforts with Spirit are aimed at either recovering undiminished use of the rover or, if some capabilities have been diminished, to determine the best way to keep using the rover.

Sheldon Kalnitsky said, "For example, if we do determine that we can no longer use the flash memory reliably, we could design operations around using the random-access memory." Spirit has 128 megabytes of random-access memory, or RAM, which can store data as long as the rover is kept awake before its next downlink communications session.

JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Mars Exploration Rover project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington.

Do You Know Where Your Space Station Is?

Tired of those boring old tracking maps that show the space station going around and around the Earth, and wondering what the view from up there must be like?

Well, what better way to celebrate Earth Day than by taking a look at the Earth below from where the International Space Station is right now? Thanks to the wonders of the World Wide Web (the Internet, that is), real-time tracking data beamed down from the space station and the fabulous catalog of NASA handheld orbital photography -- the Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth -- you can do just that!

Here’s how it works: just go to

NASA’s web site will check the telemetry from the space station and gather its exact latitude and longitude as it orbits about 200 miles over the Earth, traveling 17,500 miles an hour, making one full orbit every hour and a half. Using that information, the web site will check the extensive collection of images that have been taken from as far back as the Gemini Program, and return to you images of rivers, lakes, mountains, cities, railroads, ports, volcanoes, deserts and islands below.

Since the Earth’s surface is three-quarters water, the web site will draw a virtual “box” around the latitude and longitude found, and expand that box if necessary to find some photos of land masses or islands that are nearby. Though taken at different times and under different sunlight than the current time, the images display the many facets of the Earth.

While this isn’t exactly giving you an opportunity to remotely snap a picture from the space station, it’s the next best thing – and you’ll rarely get a picture of a cloudy day below!

For more information about the International Space Station, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary on orbit this year, visit:

For more information about the imagery and the Crew Earth Observations group at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, visit:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sheldon kalnitsky

Sheldon Kalnitsky Credited as the one of the best Fashion Designer in the world, and he had made an unintentional debut in the world of fashion which in turn changed him as the pre-eminent British designer. His interest to be the component of the colorful world of ideas and enthusiasm gave vent to his creativity and his journey to be one of the most renowned designers for menswear seemed to take him on a novel high. He manages to transmit an actual sense of funniness and mischief mixed with his love of convention and the classics.